Katy has been playing T-ball this spring. When she started she knew absolutly nothing about baseball, but she has learned so much and she loves it! She has only 2 more games left. And thank goodness, cause it's startin' to get HOT!!
Playing with photoshop a little here! (above photo)
Hello everyone! Yes, I disappeared from the blog world for a little while. But, some things just had to give while life took over. Hopefully I can find the time to be able to post once a week or whenever I can so you all can keep updated about us here in Mims!
This week was Spring Break, so the kids and I did lots of fun stuff. Chuck-e-Cheeses, bowling, they stayed at Nana's one night, we went to Universal one day and yesterday we saw a movie.
Here are some pics from Universal on April 1st, 2010.
Happy Easter!